As always, and immense amount of things has happened since last I wrote. This is a theme, and goin forth, I will do my best to abstain from saying it, for fear of sounding like a broken record...
I have completed a goal of mine for this year!!! The goal was to try at least three ethnic food stuffs. ...and I did, they were Ethiopian (I tried this one twice and was not fond either was the spongey, vinegar-y bread stuff mostly), Korean, and...I think Vietnamese??? I don´t remember now where it was from, but it was new to me. My palette was thankful for it. I´ve also had In ´N Out Burger here (actually I first had it in AZ, but whatever). It was the best cheeseburger I´ve ever consumed. I was full after the first, but I wish I had eaten a second. ...I´ve had this a few times since being here, but since I am a perpetual pedestrian and there are not any within reasonable walking distance, I have not ventured out to see one here.
I had a birthday here! It was...a couple of weeks ago or something. I don´t remember if I wrote about it or not. just kind of came and went. I stopped getting my hopes up for anything relating to my birthday after I was just absolutely crushed by one a couple of years ago. Now if I expect anything more than a happy birthday in person from at least A person, I become crushed and spend the day wallowing in self pity. ...the girl in me really shines at that moment.
I´d like to find someone to sing for here. Not like A person, rather a group. It doesn´t have to be a serious deal, or anything that´s horribly important. ...I ought to set a goal for myself to sing for a crowd (I´m not looking to perform in a coliseum, just in front of a few people...) before the end of the year. I´ve been responding to bands on Craigslist, but I don´t have any experience being in a band, I only play the saxophone and vocals, and...I don´t have any samples of my voice. ...I do plan on going to just...sing for someone though. My debilitating fear has such a grip on my person that it affects the happiness of my soul. ...It puts me in such a sad place when I can´t sing. I find myself humming more and just...I feel like a crackhead...looking to see if anyone else is home, if the neighbors are gone...then if no one is around that I can tell, I turn the volume up and just sing out loud. I have to stop doing that. ...I need to be able to satiate my lusty, thirstful desire to sing out loud.
Some very fun things have happened the past few days! This weekend was one of my favorite. We went out two nights in a row, we got to experience good drinks and good times. I´ve met a really awesome girl to be my chick friend! I love the boys that I hang out with dearly, but every girl needs a good chick friend. ...and just. I am so ecstatic to have one here. I´ve left the good ones in the places I´ve been. I wish I could have taken them all with me, but they have to be good friends to other people in other places, and I respect that. The boys all dances when we went to the bar the other night. A guy asked me for my number, I met a German, and ate at Hood Burger (it´s just like it sounds. I keep calling it Ghetto Burger on accident).
There´s a show I´m going to on Saturday. Dance Gavin Dance is the band. I just discovered that they had a new album they put out a few weeks ago, and I´ve been listening ever since! I really like the frontman´s other band Emarosa, but I´ll take what I can. I´m just stoked that they´re coming here!!!
Let´s summarize a few other things...I heard gunshots the other morning...about four, and I asked someone else how far away they probably were, and the estimate I was given was three or four blocks. ...the shocking part was that I wasn´t alarmed in any way. ...perhaps it was fatigue and the absurd assumption that I am invincible, since I am a (mostly) caucasian female who is in her mid-twenties. I have gone to a few interviews. Some of them I hated, some were just absurd things for me to do. My most recent was on Friday and I ended up being a little late since I couldn´t figure out the public transportation here, so I just need to re-schedule it, per recommendation of the very, VERY nice lady who greeted me. I still need to set that up.
Tomorrow noon I have an interview for a company who makes (or sells or something) eco-friendly LED lights. Sounds a little hippie, but I really REALLY like the sounds of it so far. We will see how it goes. I just get all nervous about interviews because of my appearance. No matter how clean and polished I get, I still have piercings and tattoos. In no way do I regret them or want to get rid of them, but there´s this weird, awkward ¨oh my god they´re gonna judge me and not hire me based on my appearance¨...which is (I feel) a legitimate concern. ...but it is what it is. I will still have my lip pierced three times, etc. I have no plans of changing myself for a company. ...and if I take them out someday, it will be of my own accord.
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Ethopian food! |
I had a birthday here! It was...a couple of weeks ago or something. I don´t remember if I wrote about it or not. just kind of came and went. I stopped getting my hopes up for anything relating to my birthday after I was just absolutely crushed by one a couple of years ago. Now if I expect anything more than a happy birthday in person from at least A person, I become crushed and spend the day wallowing in self pity. ...the girl in me really shines at that moment.
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Crackhead |
Some very fun things have happened the past few days! This weekend was one of my favorite. We went out two nights in a row, we got to experience good drinks and good times. I´ve met a really awesome girl to be my chick friend! I love the boys that I hang out with dearly, but every girl needs a good chick friend. ...and just. I am so ecstatic to have one here. I´ve left the good ones in the places I´ve been. I wish I could have taken them all with me, but they have to be good friends to other people in other places, and I respect that. The boys all dances when we went to the bar the other night. A guy asked me for my number, I met a German, and ate at Hood Burger (it´s just like it sounds. I keep calling it Ghetto Burger on accident).
There´s a show I´m going to on Saturday. Dance Gavin Dance is the band. I just discovered that they had a new album they put out a few weeks ago, and I´ve been listening ever since! I really like the frontman´s other band Emarosa, but I´ll take what I can. I´m just stoked that they´re coming here!!!
Let´s summarize a few other things...I heard gunshots the other morning...about four, and I asked someone else how far away they probably were, and the estimate I was given was three or four blocks. ...the shocking part was that I wasn´t alarmed in any way. ...perhaps it was fatigue and the absurd assumption that I am invincible, since I am a (mostly) caucasian female who is in her mid-twenties. I have gone to a few interviews. Some of them I hated, some were just absurd things for me to do. My most recent was on Friday and I ended up being a little late since I couldn´t figure out the public transportation here, so I just need to re-schedule it, per recommendation of the very, VERY nice lady who greeted me. I still need to set that up.
Tomorrow noon I have an interview for a company who makes (or sells or something) eco-friendly LED lights. Sounds a little hippie, but I really REALLY like the sounds of it so far. We will see how it goes. I just get all nervous about interviews because of my appearance. No matter how clean and polished I get, I still have piercings and tattoos. In no way do I regret them or want to get rid of them, but there´s this weird, awkward ¨oh my god they´re gonna judge me and not hire me based on my appearance¨...which is (I feel) a legitimate concern. ...but it is what it is. I will still have my lip pierced three times, etc. I have no plans of changing myself for a company. ...and if I take them out someday, it will be of my own accord.
Yesterday night we grilled food and burned shit. Those were the positive aspects of the evening. There were a few negative ones, but I will not mention them, for I do not wish to share the negativity. I do, howeer hope that the negativity is shared with people (or person) if the occasion arises. It´s the little blessings. ...and by blessings I mean assholes in my life who aren´t assholes to me.
Ciao for now.