Well hello there. ...it's nice to see you. It's been QUITE a while.
I don't think that I've written a new post in about a year. I could check, but am too lazy to do so. To get everyone up to speed on my life, this blog was created. Also, Joel is out of town, so I'm bored and watching Afro Samurai...
Since I'm not quite sure where I left off, I'm not quite sure where to pick up. Let's start with the basics. I now work where Joel does, at a great site called Alibris I still talk to customers all day, but it's mostly emails and mundane tasks. I like my co-workers pretty well, since the person across from me brings her dog in every day, I get to play with an adorable puppy (okay, like year and a half old dog; still a puppy).
I briefly had a job elsewhere (so brief that it was only eight hours), but they gave me the boot because I don't like kids. Well, whatever. I lied on my resume anyway.
We've done a lot of fun things and have had a lot of fun adventures. We had a full house over New Years, which was also the first time that I traveled to Napa Valley. It's a fun excuse to get classy and drink wine. And the wine is amazing! We've been to baseball games, football games, parks, restaurants, movies, shopping, and so many other fun things.
I started my job in October-ish. In November-ish I got suspended for the first time ever. You're probably asking why. Well, turns out I'm slightly racist, and made a comment about the cheapness of the Jewish people. Also, turns out my comment wasn't HR kosher.
Being suspended wasn't so bad. I got a three and a half day weekend, and I started playing videogames again. Specifically, I started playing Skyrim. I really enjoyed it, even though I was kind of awful for the first 30 hours or so that I played. I eventually restarted and did way better. I think that my shitty playing abilities are okay, because it was my first 360 game. Good for me (by the way, Afro Samurai is such an odd movie).
So we stayed here for Christmas, and I don't quite recall what happened for it. Joel and I exchanged gifts, and hung out. It was simple, fun and relaxing. It's incredibly odd when you start new traditions by not being with old traditions. ...whatever that really means. And right after Christmas was when we had those guests. Having three guests in our house created an insane amount of unneeded drama. That's all over now, and we're drama free again.
In early March, my ma came to visit. I hadn't seen her in just under a year and a half, which is quite a long time. It was fun to show her and her boyfriend fun stuff about the city (San Francisco is referred to as "the city"). After they left, it was my birthday (or right around then) and Joel and I headed to Napa Valley for a relaxing weekend thanks to a Groupon deal. We also went to a spa and got mud baths. My recommendation to all of you out there is to NOT ever do that. It literally smells like shit. Also, after you get out, you have peat moss (and whatever else it's made out of) everywhere - even the most personal of places. Never. Again. After that was over, we went to a bunch of wineries and bought a bunch of wines. It was a beautiful thing.
For the fourth of July, we had a somewhat traditional barbecue: Oakland style. Our friend had a tiny 12" grill, and we put that in a parking lot at our friend's apartment. We ate, drank, smoked, enjoyed the sun, and then at night... we saw fireworks everywhere. We set off fireworks, everything. It was beautiful, and charming. I love Oakland.
Speaking of my love for Oakland, I was mugged at gunpoint about a month ago. Shitty deal, but whatever. I still love Oakland. And I have all new stuff (keys, purse, etc). It sucked, but I still love this place.
It's nice to know that the past year of my life can be summed up in a few paragraphs. I know that I've left quite a bit out, but nobody wants to kill THAT much time. Ah, so thanks for reading everyone. Maybe I'll write again soon.
I don't think that I've written a new post in about a year. I could check, but am too lazy to do so. To get everyone up to speed on my life, this blog was created. Also, Joel is out of town, so I'm bored and watching Afro Samurai...
Since I'm not quite sure where I left off, I'm not quite sure where to pick up. Let's start with the basics. I now work where Joel does, at a great site called Alibris I still talk to customers all day, but it's mostly emails and mundane tasks. I like my co-workers pretty well, since the person across from me brings her dog in every day, I get to play with an adorable puppy (okay, like year and a half old dog; still a puppy).
I briefly had a job elsewhere (so brief that it was only eight hours), but they gave me the boot because I don't like kids. Well, whatever. I lied on my resume anyway.
We've done a lot of fun things and have had a lot of fun adventures. We had a full house over New Years, which was also the first time that I traveled to Napa Valley. It's a fun excuse to get classy and drink wine. And the wine is amazing! We've been to baseball games, football games, parks, restaurants, movies, shopping, and so many other fun things.
I started my job in October-ish. In November-ish I got suspended for the first time ever. You're probably asking why. Well, turns out I'm slightly racist, and made a comment about the cheapness of the Jewish people. Also, turns out my comment wasn't HR kosher.

So we stayed here for Christmas, and I don't quite recall what happened for it. Joel and I exchanged gifts, and hung out. It was simple, fun and relaxing. It's incredibly odd when you start new traditions by not being with old traditions. ...whatever that really means. And right after Christmas was when we had those guests. Having three guests in our house created an insane amount of unneeded drama. That's all over now, and we're drama free again.
In early March, my ma came to visit. I hadn't seen her in just under a year and a half, which is quite a long time. It was fun to show her and her boyfriend fun stuff about the city (San Francisco is referred to as "the city"). After they left, it was my birthday (or right around then) and Joel and I headed to Napa Valley for a relaxing weekend thanks to a Groupon deal. We also went to a spa and got mud baths. My recommendation to all of you out there is to NOT ever do that. It literally smells like shit. Also, after you get out, you have peat moss (and whatever else it's made out of) everywhere - even the most personal of places. Never. Again. After that was over, we went to a bunch of wineries and bought a bunch of wines. It was a beautiful thing.
For the fourth of July, we had a somewhat traditional barbecue: Oakland style. Our friend had a tiny 12" grill, and we put that in a parking lot at our friend's apartment. We ate, drank, smoked, enjoyed the sun, and then at night... we saw fireworks everywhere. We set off fireworks, everything. It was beautiful, and charming. I love Oakland.
Speaking of my love for Oakland, I was mugged at gunpoint about a month ago. Shitty deal, but whatever. I still love Oakland. And I have all new stuff (keys, purse, etc). It sucked, but I still love this place.
It's nice to know that the past year of my life can be summed up in a few paragraphs. I know that I've left quite a bit out, but nobody wants to kill THAT much time. Ah, so thanks for reading everyone. Maybe I'll write again soon.