Monday, September 13, 2010

tonight! tonight!...and tomorrow.

OOOoooooh I'm in such a good mood.

So.  Today, to start out, I woke up about five minutes (exactly) before I was supposed to leave for work.  And guess who was still on time?  Yeah, this kid right here.  ...well, not *here* with you, the reader, but IIIIII was.  ...I think that's what you call NINJA status.

Ooooooh my gosh.  Tonight I had roommate fun time.  I'm sad kind of that we won't have much of an opportunity to have fun roommate time...BUT!  We totally made some biscuits and gravy tonight.  FROM SCRATCH hahahaha.  The biscuits tasted funny though.  But the gravy was phenom. I had a good time.  I can just feel my shell breaking right now.  Which is good, because I'm not a turtle..

I am getting more used to the people at work.  I like pretty much everyone there, though I was somewhat reserved at first...which is a nice way of saying that I was just a bitch.  I had kind of a revelation today...which is my reason for writing.  ...since I'm still working on the whole "sharing my thoughts and whatever" thing. ANYWAY.  the revelation.  Crap.  Now I can't remember it exactly, but to paraphrase myself in the clearest way possible (working on communication still) it has to do with realizing that I need to not just talk to someone for five minutes and decide that they're horrible, or even slightly bad...or good for that matter.  These things take time.  ...which I'm sure I knew before, but realizing that THAT is how I act...not good.  BUT!  I do have an opportunity to work on it.

I think that work has put me in a perpetually good mood. ...I think that this is accomplished by brainwashing.  ...but I can't complain.  Maintaining a good mood is helping me. be in a good mood.  OH! And I've been looking at places on Craigslist...and as soon as I get a phone (tomorrow!!! according to UPS) I can call people and set up times to look at things.  Yay toast!

Last night I went to see The Other Guys.  Great movie.  There were a couple of parts that just tickled me.  Ridiculous.  And funny.  I recommend it.

Tomorrow? Phone.  The next day? Contact lenses.  I'm going to be a fully-functioning human before too long!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay toast!
    You definately need to send me your number onceyou get it BEcause I would love to chat with you...en espanol...
