It's been a minute since I last wrote anything. This is going to be sloppy and poorly written...there's your notice. I feel as though concurrently so much and so little has happened that I'm not really sure what to write. I will definitely try to summarize all that is going on...but we'll see how this goes.
Currently, the pro bowl is on. I don't much care about the pro bowl. Also, I'm listening to Escape the Fate's album...Escape the Fate. I hate it. It's somewhat reminiscent of some older Linkin Park...mixed with...actually, I'm not sure. But whatever it is, I hate it. Just like I hate Kill Hannah's latest album...I can't think of the title right now. When a band starts sucking, it makes me just wonder...have they been this bad all along and I just didn't know it? Am I just being too judgmental? I want it to just be me. ...I usually listen a few times, only to have my initial impressions confirmed. They usually suck. And I am upset. I usually have to break up with the band, only to have a few more times of listening randomly while reminiscing of a time when they had my heart. One thing I *do* know is that I am currently in love with Emarosa. LOVE them. probably an unhealthy way.
I am currently thinking about getting another tattoo. I want to do this soon...since I will soon be poor for the rest of my life...or so I feel anyway. UUuuuuugh. I feel incredibly stressed. I might be calming down, but a giant amount of stress still exists. The reason for this? Well...all in due time. I will first kind of update people on what is going on in my life...or what has happened since the last time I wrote a blog.
So, I have been sick for literally the entire year. I have a cough still, and am still getting dizzy, though the amount of dizziness has definitely dwindled a bit. Thank god for those Meclizine, or my life would suck way more. I've been to Urgent Care, the emergency room, and the Dr's office this year already. Everyone tells me I'm fine. The doctors were just good at giving me some pills. Super. Duper. I just want to be healthy. Does anyone know a medicine man? Maybe they can heal me. ...or a shaman. Maybe one of those. I digress.
Joel had surgery on his tummy, so while he was gone (he was not at our apartment for about a week or so. I got incredibly bored.). I did what any good woman would do: I cleaned the apartment from top to bottom....or rather bottom to as far as I could reach. The place not only looked *fabulous* but it smelled good. I feel as though that was time spent wasting time.
I went shopping at a place called the "Florence Y'all" (actually the Florence Mall, but they had had it painted on a water tower, and had to change it, so now it says "Florence Y'all" instead. weird, I know...I don't ask questions. I simply accept it). I bought a lot of new clothing, which I needed. I've definitely lost weight here...about 25lbs. nothing fit. I still have most of my clothing from before, just nothing fits. fail. It doesn't even matter. I do have some new clothing.
I am currently saving as much money as I possibly can. I plan on going to visit René in June and I am moving to California in March. We'll see how all that goes. This is why I am stressed. If anyone wants to donate to the "Meah Knight fund" you're more than welcome. I'll even give you my address! Just kidding. I'll be fine. I've been looking for jobs. I really don't have much shit to pack, either.
I haven't really done anything else...I don't think. I'm brushing up on my Spanish so that I can hopefully get a job being bi-lingual (hopefully I can trick them into thinking that I'm fluent) in Spanish/English. I've been putting it on all of the résumés I've submitted, so...hopefully that won't make me a liar. We DO have a place to live though...I am happy that this part is already done. If anyone knows anyone who lives in the SF Bay area, please tell them I'm coming, and ask them to show me around...or just give their number to me, and I'll ask.
Well, I'm not really sure what else to put on here. I'm too sick to be emo and I have too much on my mind to write about anything of value. So...this is it. Happy blog and whatnot. Also, I hope that everyone has a happy Bearduary!
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This picture has no purpose. I just saw it and thought it was hilarious. God I love being right. |

I am currently thinking about getting another tattoo. I want to do this soon...since I will soon be poor for the rest of my life...or so I feel anyway. UUuuuuugh. I feel incredibly stressed. I might be calming down, but a giant amount of stress still exists. The reason for this? Well...all in due time. I will first kind of update people on what is going on in my life...or what has happened since the last time I wrote a blog.

Joel had surgery on his tummy, so while he was gone (he was not at our apartment for about a week or so. I got incredibly bored.). I did what any good woman would do: I cleaned the apartment from top to bottom....or rather bottom to as far as I could reach. The place not only looked *fabulous* but it smelled good. I feel as though that was time spent wasting time.

I am currently saving as much money as I possibly can. I plan on going to visit René in June and I am moving to California in March. We'll see how all that goes. This is why I am stressed. If anyone wants to donate to the "Meah Knight fund" you're more than welcome. I'll even give you my address! Just kidding. I'll be fine. I've been looking for jobs. I really don't have much shit to pack, either.
I haven't really done anything else...I don't think. I'm brushing up on my Spanish so that I can hopefully get a job being bi-lingual (hopefully I can trick them into thinking that I'm fluent) in Spanish/English. I've been putting it on all of the résumés I've submitted, so...hopefully that won't make me a liar. We DO have a place to live though...I am happy that this part is already done. If anyone knows anyone who lives in the SF Bay area, please tell them I'm coming, and ask them to show me around...or just give their number to me, and I'll ask.
Well, I'm not really sure what else to put on here. I'm too sick to be emo and I have too much on my mind to write about anything of value. So...this is it. Happy blog and whatnot. Also, I hope that everyone has a happy Bearduary!
We were born in Marchstache.