Friday, November 26, 2010

Last Week I Had the Strangest Dream, That Everything Was Exactly As It Seemed...

Ah today was Thanksgiving.  It was the first in memory where I didn't spend time with my nuclear family. I did not feel an ounce of stress.  I did not feel anything but relaxed excitement and contentment.  I am so immeasurably thankful to my gracious roommate who, along with his family, permitted me to spend quite possibly my favorite holiday with them.  Thanks to everyone who was there, even though none of you (save one) will ever even possibly read this.

I have been sick a bit lately.  I have found that this happens quite regularly, or at least more regularly than I'd like and I ought to just go see a licensed physician...Ah, and this is where I'll be vague.  I'm sure that I'm fine.  I was fine for a couple of days, but fuck.  I feel all just sore and tired and whiney again...just all sorts of uncomfortable.  Perhaps this would be a good weekend to stay in.  This reminds me of The Oregon Trail when people would get ailments and just rest for a day or two and then be right as rain.  If only it were so easy. least I don't have to worry about cholera or typhus.

I have not been practicing any languages or art or reading lately.  I am greatly bothered by this.  I have, however, been more social.  I guess that one justifies the other., not really.  I am merely trying to make myself feel better about doing so.  There are so many books that I would like to read. fact I now have a few additional recommendations from the person who used to live here...and by here I mean in the same bedroom in which I now sleep.

I feel very odd about talking to this individual.  I'm not sure exactly what makes me uncomfortable.  I think that I feel kind of like Maurice in Beauty and the Beast...when Maurice is lost in the woods and find a castle and is being taken care of by the residents of the castle until the beast comes and puts him in the dungeon for trespassing.  There is no way that the former resident is a beast. least I assume not and have no real way of knowing.  I am just infinitely intrigued by someone who has left parts of their life which include memories and personal items.  This makes me also feel a little like an anthropologist.  ...hmmm...everyone who mutually knows this person (actually only one or two of the people who I have met and mutually know this person) have told me that my unsure and awkward feelings about this are all bollocks.  This is all probably true.  ...All the same.  I do delight in the fact that I'm almost certain that I will at some point meet this individual, and at once just be able to giggle at my intrigue.  If this happens, dear reader...I will be sure to tell you.

Also I would like to mention that I am such a "fuckit" mood that I'm ready to meet people.  ...throngs of people.  SCHOOLS (no children) of people...and, well, you get the idea.  I'm not super conscious of this...just becoming aware that my actions and behaviors (a little redundant) are reflecting such, and my mind thinks that it's a good idea to pursue such endeavors.  ...besides, I'm sure that my roommate would appreciate it if I beat other people sometimes, too.

And now, I must go...because I have a few goals to attain before the end of the year.  ...fuck new year's resolutions.  I'm making NOW goals.

Also.  The Walking Dead.  OOOOOOH god (<--if you're into that). SOOOOO GOOOOOD. I just wish that other people had read the series too.  but whatever.  fuckit.

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